Let’s talk about death.

Life-affirming conversations around end-of-life issues

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Our purpose

Combining life experience with academic and professional training, we create opportunities for education and dialogue. Our purpose is focused on normalizing talk about death, grief and loss, with comfort and connection as overarching goals.

Learn About Us



21% of people say they haven’t initiated a discussion about their health care directives because they don’t want to upset their loved ones…



…and 95% say they are willing or want to talk about their end-of-life-wishes.



53% say they’d actually be relieved if a loved one started the conversation.

(Source: The Conversation Project National Survey, 2018)


“Next to birth, death is one of our most profound experiences—shouldn’t we talk about it, prepare for it, use what it can teach us about how to live?”

Dr. BJ Miller & Shoshana Berger / "A Beginner's Guide to the End"


Get involved

Read a book. Attend a program or workshop, and bring a friend. Talk to your loved ones (friends, parents, children or partner) about what matters most to you, then ask them about what matters most to them. We are continuously developing opportunities for you to get more involved with us.

Explore a Program

Our programs provide an opportunity to cope with before and after, with and without.


Volunteer opportunities are in the works. Check back to see how you can be a part of our initiatives!


Help us reach more people and continue to offer many of our programs for low or no fee.